Select Publications
“Death, Data, and Denial in Antebellum New Orleans,” Harvard Library Bulletin (2021)
The Dangerous History of Immunoprivilege, New York Times (2020)
Necropolis (2022)
Immunity, Capital, and Power in Antebellum New Orleans, American Historical Review (2019)
“Immunocapital,” basis of special issue in Exertions from the Society for the Anthropology of Work (2023)
Digital supplement to “Immunity, Capital, and Power in Antebellum New Orleans” (2019)

Bad Risk: Southerners, Climate, and Mortality in Antebellum American Life Insurance (in preparation)

Super-spreader: Syphilis, Shame, and the Civil War (article in preparation)
Future Projects and Research Interests
Syphilis and the Civil War
Life Insurance and Risk Premiums in Nineteenth-Century America
Mapping Slave Insurrections Across the Greater Caribbean
Potter’s Fields: The Burial Grounds of the Poor and Indigent
Ellis and Angel: Health in Immigration to the United States